Finishing Round Kumihimo Braid Ends

To finish round braid ends, use string to tie off the end of the braid. The illustrations below use a fairly large string to show detail. However, the string that you use can be any kind of thread.

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Kumihimo Necklace

Kumihimo braid

1. Make a loop with the string near the end of the braid. The loop should point towards the end of the braid.


Kumihimo braid

2. Wrap one end of the string around the loop, starting near the bottom of the loop and wrapping towards the top of the loop.


Kumihimo braid

3. Thread the end of the string (that you wrapped) through the loop.

Kumihimo braid

4. Pull the other end of the string.

Kumihimo braid

5. Pull until the loop is pulled down into the wrap. Soak the wrap with CA (Super Glue).

Kumihimo braid

6. Use heavy scissors to cut through the middle of the wrap. (The amount to be cut of depends on the depth of the cord end that you will be using).

Kumihimo braid

7. Use a 2-part expoy to glue the cord end to the braid.

Notes on epoxy use:

Epoxy must be mixed thoroughly. In many cases where an epoxy bond fails, it is because it is not mixed well enough. When you mix epoxy, it goes through several stages before it is ready to be used. It will first turn cloudy. Then it will get bubbles. Eventually (after at least a minute), it will clear up again. Make sure you mix until it reaches the clear stage before using.

When used properly, 2-part epoxy forms a very reliable bond. The 24-hour epoxies are better than the quick 5-minute kind. Some good brands are Epoxy 220 and 330, and Devcon 2-ton epoxy.